Decorative wooden acoustic wall panel, oak, 28x275cm (0.77 m²)

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45.14 incl. VAT 37.00 excl. VAT
  On stock in our warehouse in Slovenia, delivery in 1-7 days. Slovenia
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Short description

Transform your space with our quality MDF acoustic panels! Simple installation allows anyone to use it, regardless of experience.

With dimensions of 275 cm high, 30 cm wide and 2 cm thick, they offer excellent sound absorption adding a touch of style to any room.

The panels weigh only 7.5 kg and can be easily mounted using mounting glue. Whether you have experience or not, you will be able to easily install them and enjoy a clean, quiet and stylish room.

In addition, we have samples of all possible colors which you can buy for only 1 EUR.

You can place an order via the blue chat icon or by phone. Get your acoustic panels today and experience the difference!

Decorative wooden acoustic wall panel, oak, 28x275cm (0.77 m²)
Decorative wooden acoustic wall panel, oak, 28x275cm (0.77 m²)
45.14 incl. VAT 37.00 excl. VAT


Transform your space with our quality MDF acoustic panels! Simple installation allows anyone to use it, regardless of experience.

With dimensions of 275 cm high, 30 cm wide and 2 cm thick, they offer excellent sound absorption adding a touch of style to any room.

The panels weigh only 7.5 kg and can be easily mounted using mounting glue. Whether you have experience or not, you will be able to easily install them and enjoy a clean, quiet and stylish room.

In addition, we have samples of all possible colors which you can buy for only 1 EUR.

You can place an order via the blue chat icon or by phone. Get your acoustic panels today and experience the difference!


5  /  15 reviews
Comment: Vrhunska stvar za ukrašavanje i dobivanje topline doma. Jednostavna upotreba i daje toplinu prostora slijedi nastavak...
Comment: Izdelek je bil visokokakovosten in enostaven za namestitev
Comment: Ravno pred kratkim sem na spletu naletel na te plošče in sem se odločil, da jih preizkusim, saj sem nekaj časa želel narediti steno iz lesenih letvic. Te plošče izgledajo čudovito in jih je dokaj enostavno namestiti. Zaljubljen sem!
Comment: Kupil sem leseni paneli za mojo kuhinjo / kopalniški salon, obložil sem zunanjost kopalniške stene, prav tako skril vrata v kopalnico, še ni bilo dokončano, ko je vstopila stranka in bila je tako všeč, da upam, da ji bo to početi v svoji kopalnici.
Comment: Tako enostaven za uporabo in še lažji za rezanje in nanašanje. Izdelek nam je všeč!
Comment: Odličen rezultat
Comment: Obnova kuhinjske jedilnice....
Comment: Najel sem nekoga, da mi to namesti v dnevno sobo in izkazalo se je odlično! Točno to, kar sem si predstavljal! Takšen kos izjave v mojem novem domu!
Comment: Enostavna namestitev in dobra kakovost
Comment: Fantastično. Enostaven za namestitev in doseže osupljiv rezultat, ki ga je vsak, ki ga je videl, pozitivno komentiral.